Article for newsletter Mar. 2025
Purpose: Reengage the call to mission of our church and steps suggested to join the church family endeavor I have only been with
The Federated Church of Orland for less than 2 years. It does not give me strong context to speak as your pastor, but you have
graciously welcomed me among you. I’m thankful for your trust and willingness to work together on the “mission” of our church.
You have noticed my ways of facilitating that task. Your partnership has been vital and valued very much. As I continue to do my
work in conjunction with your perspectives, as much as possible, it is hoped that this year 2025 will be a hard earned one in
interaction with the community in the name of Jesus for the sake of the Gospel. He leads us, and no one and nothing else, as we
embark on “making fishers of men/women” with care and message of the son of God our lord and savior. What that means, of
course, makes all the difference. We continue to study the Bible, our sole guide for faith and practice. With contextual study of the
message we must come to an unshakable truth that leads us in the only way, just as Jesus said it. It is a relationship, so clear in
his work and ministry with and among the disciples and the rest of the followers. The Holy Spirit, who remains with us, in “better”
ways, now that Jesus has ascended into heaven then to return, we operate always in the love of God our heavenly father, who
sent Jesus and the Holy Spirit. It is dynamic as the Bible has revealed to us that we might have hopeful lively engagement with
him and the community around us into which we are “sent’ to make disciples. There are no limits, no boundaries in society with
which we are a part to win over to Jesus in the light, love, labor, long everlasting existence we are responsible for. I hope we find
this motivating as it frames all our endeavors, privately and corporately. A suggestion: Think, choose, strategize, execute
intentionally to engage with the community(a person or neighbor) in a way that you meant to usher them to Jesus in various
optional forms/means/manners available to your specific locational circumstances. As you know, for one, I go door to door and
offer households an opportunity(that we are so proud of) we make happen at The Federated Church of Orland(or any Bible
studying, Jesus centered local church they are conveniently close to). It’s, what might be found as your gifted method, harder
than you think, to get started. it will not happen unless we have real faith. Maybe we need to seek that faith(if we don’t, even a
mustard seed sized). This is why we are having this engagement. Thank you God.
Eric C. Cho (pastor)
Serving in Orland, CA, since July 1, 2023. Born in Evanston, IL,
raised in Seoul, South Korea until returning to Rockford, IL in 1971.
Julie, my wife, visits my adult sons in Texas.
Oral Roberts University 1983
Fuller Theological Seminary 1994
Ordained 2005 United Methodist Church